Refund of advance payment
- Customers can only claim a refund after 10 days of order placement and in the case of non-delivery of the order.
- Orders already shipped from the warehouse or seller after spending 10 days in transit will be considered undelivered, and customers may wait for the parcel or claim for a refund.
- Refund claims will be processed within 24 hours from claim time.
- After initiating the payment from the ekShop end, it may take up to 21 days or as per the gateway’s timeline.
- The refund amount will be the same as the customer paid for the order.
- In case of dispute (damaged, incorrect, defective products) related refund, the delivery charge may get deducted if the product is not returned.
- Refunds will be sent by the same channel the customer used for the payment of the order. Requests for payment via different channels will not be entertained.
Refund of Partial payment
- Partial payment consists of a maximum of 10% of the total amount.
- A partial payment refund can be claimed if the order is not confirmed after 48 hours of order placement.
- If the order can not be confirmed within 48 hours from order placement, it will automatically generate a refund request.
- Refunds will be sent by the same channel the customer used for the payment of the order. Requests for payment via different channels will not be entertained.
- After initiating the payment from the ekShop end, it may take up to 21 days or as per the gateway’s timeline.
- The refund amount will be the same as the customer paid for the order.
Cashback Offer
- Cashback will be effective at the time of payment.
- MFS or card payment based cashback will be sent to the MFS/Card account as per the policy of MFS.
Refund in case of full payment failure
- Suppose the customer fails to pay the remaining amount after 7 days of confirmation of the order. In that case, the order will be automatically cancelled, and a refund of the partial amount will be initiated.
- In payment of the partial amount Refund of Partial payment, steps will be applicable.